Wednesday, October 23, 2013


A lot to do here. Feeling a little overwhelmed with all the work I have to catch up on. I have a large to do list of things I started and I just keep adding to it. Exciting but that means I can not edit all these images right now. I have them all scanned though!

Here is a preview. So the images you saw the half of the fruit/veg on a small piece of coated paper here is what I was given and I am very excited.

As I turned them over this morning so that no morning light would come in and alter these exposures this is what I found on the other side. 

So I did and test and put them side by side. I will plan on doing this for all eight but I still have to work on some color issues and combinations of the two images. Very excited though. 

On to the next task. Photographing down stairs some images that need to be done and then hoping to get some good reading in tonight. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


I wish I had energy to do more than this but I dont. I have suffered a terrible and tragic loss of a student this week and it is taking its toll on me. Here is a tease of the images I was able to reveal today after yesterday marathon night. I was hoping to scan them but I simply dont have the muscle to do it. Sorry for the terrible photos hopefully after a good nights rest I will be ambitious again tomorrow.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Documenting today......

I tried to take some images of this with the film camera but my lens is not side enough to get  a good shot. Here are some images from the cell phone. I am about to go downstairs and photograph the rest of the remains from squeezing these juices out. These images here show the other half of the fruits and veggies just placed on a coated piece of paper and I will them sit and dry overnight and turn them over tomorrow after work. 

Leaves leave their mark on paper

These images are from the paper experiment that I left outside for about a week and posted a video of last weekend. These are the marks I found from them but I was a little disappointed because I lost some as well. I will be posting some videos tonight hopefully if they decode soon of the experiment that I did today. :) Here is an image of the results. 

Mold Edits

So I posted the other day a couple images I shot with a digital camera of the mold that occurred on the beet juice I had made. I went in to the images and edit them this evening to zoom in and make studies of them just like the swatches I have been making. Here are some edits.

Film is Here!

Here are some scans from the film that I photographed last week. I am working on some more images this week with film. Making a full circle here and going back to the traditional practice again for a bit. Feels good to be behind the camera again.

Take a look:

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Sabrina Raaf

Found this artists work about a week ago. I found it really exciting in relation to my own studies currently. Check it out!