Friday, November 1, 2013

Just so you all know.....I have started to draw and paint again. I am currently doing a watercolor....its been over ten years since I have done that! I am making other studies of these vegetables and fruits. I have decided that I am a type of botanist and I am studying these plants along with the fruit they birth for us. This is very exciting for me. I will post a picture later. I am also going to test exposing the beet prints out in the sun a little to see if I can not dull the vibrancy of the color a little bit so that I could use them with my most recent prints which have a more subtle and delicate color. Stay tuned....

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Check these out!

These images are lighter than how they appear here. These have not beed edited as well. Stay tuned for the edits. These will be some images very faint in color but rich. Looking forward to them. :)

Monday, October 28, 2013

Quick Post, Lots of work to do.

Here are some images from todays adventure. I am starting to really process the science behind my studies of these vegetables and I am getting really excited. Tomorrow is going to be a loooooooong day.
 Here are some unedited scans from my attempt to capture the leaves falling outside. I have more to scan but here is a taste.

Here are a couple images I took with my phone while working today to document the process. 

Here are a couple videos of me working today. Enjoy!