Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Took a break from writing and did some quick scans of the exposures I have done and this is close ups of the detail that I was able to capture and Im feeling a couple house projects coming on in order to get ready for a mass exposure session. Keep in mind these were taken some a couple weeks and some over a month ago and there is still little to no fading that has happened on the leaves. I am starting to pay attention to the vein like quality in the leaves and am interested in this....

I was in Peterborough on Saturday. I made it a goal of mine to go back to Peterborough to explore a little more before the end of the summer. Went to the Sharon Gallery again and I was fascinated by a woman who marbles clay....The texture and delicacy of the work was profound. Something you just kept going back to look at and think, how? This is a technique a way I want to master my medium or use another....this is my true exploration is to pose that question to the viewer. Its not about the image anymore, its about the process and I am more than excited to be experimenting in this way as a photographer. While at the gallery I came across London Dupree's work who is a coworker of mine and acquaintance and I was again..intrigued by process because she was throwing these beautiful vessels and bowls and then covering them with multiple slips and leaves and then when dried, peeling them off and leaving the organic matter and textures on the pot. I will be sitting down with her to talk shop about the connection she has with nature and clay, what I too am seeking out now.

Going to try to finish writing....so that I can clear my mind and get back to play again. Feeling like Im starting to achieve something greater. I will be playing with these two thin leaves I have dried out to create my own negatives in the darkroom to print from. Maybe tomorrow night.

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