Sunday, September 22, 2013

Leaves again.....

Here is a corn leaf with corn laid out from that ear on top of it and exposed. I didnt have much luck with this times leaf exposures. I am still working on developing a set of leaves that I can print its own matter on. The grocery store and markets have become my best friend....maybe Ill find some gems this week. 

This corn leaf had the strands from the corn laid on top in a bunch to expose. 

These are all scans with different emulsions. Also when scanning these images I have been trying to crop inside the frame to show images that are interesting through texture and color and the forms of mark making in each one. I am in the process of documenting my garden and emulsions I have made along with the food that I have used in its state after exposure. 

Here are some scans that are not cropped:

My reproductions online seem to be looking slightly different than what I am seeing the program so my apologies for that. I will try to smooth this matter out. 

Here are scans that are crops from certain larger prints I did:

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