Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Hannafords and Collage?

Here are my hannafords tests for the rainbow. I also have about fifteen pieces of fabric getting ready to be sewed into a quilt based on the rainbow and where that rainbow came from. I also played around with photographing in blur because I thought…its more about the color and so why not try to break away from the subject. Take a look.

Got inspiration to play with this from the quilts of Gee's Bend. I went more with a triangular look though. Ill attempt more of these later and actually glue them down and have different colors in the future. This is an idea I just landed on today. Continuing this idea of patchwork in a different form other than the fabric. 
here are the images I said I took with a blue. Almost as if to detach away from the idea of the food and focus on its color produced. 

remember the colors do not reproduce well on this site. 






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