Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Hannafords and Collage?

Here are my hannafords tests for the rainbow. I also have about fifteen pieces of fabric getting ready to be sewed into a quilt based on the rainbow and where that rainbow came from. I also played around with photographing in blur because I thought…its more about the color and so why not try to break away from the subject. Take a look.

Got inspiration to play with this from the quilts of Gee's Bend. I went more with a triangular look though. Ill attempt more of these later and actually glue them down and have different colors in the future. This is an idea I just landed on today. Continuing this idea of patchwork in a different form other than the fabric. 
here are the images I said I took with a blue. Almost as if to detach away from the idea of the food and focus on its color produced. 

remember the colors do not reproduce well on this site. 






James Reynolds

Check out this artist. Thought his work reminded me of my own a couple months ago.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Rainbow for Market Basket = $10.57

Rainbows……for Market Basket

Tired, long day. I am only posting pictures and hopefully in the next two days Ill get to writing something in depth on my thoughts and ideas that are flowing. I am on vacation soon and started to write my next paper….busy busy busy.

These are images of the colors of the rainbow taken of the fruit/vegetable that I chose when at this particular store to represent the six colors of the rainbow. Here is the results….. I also have dyed a piece of fabric for each one and will be making a "flag" or something of this matter for each store. I spent the night doing the same for Hannafords tonight and I will be photographing them tomorrow. I have some film that i have shot but I think that might be a little while away to getting developed…..

I'm sorry the colors are not completely correct…I can't get them to look the same on the blog.







Monday, April 21, 2014

These images were just posted the other day with no description. sorry about that my mind has been a little crazy these past weeks. One here is a color theory study inspired by Albers. The other two I am trying to think about the color and where we most recognize it. When i say green what do you think of? grass! Of course so I am trying to see what that does to the color whether it enhances it or not. This is a kale fabric (cotton) and sheet of coated paper on the grass. Those two are not edited. The other Albers style image is but the color is off.